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Introduction to TIG Welding

  • 13 Mar 2024
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • The MakerLab
  • 0


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Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), commonly known as TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas)welding, is an arc welding process that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode to create an arc and join metal. It requires shielding gas, mostly pure argon or argon mixed with helium to protect the molten weld pool.  TIG welding typically uses a hand-fed filler metal that fills the space between two close-fitting materials.

TIG welding can use a direct current (“DC”) or alternating current (“AC”) depending on the metal the welder joins, making it a sophisticated, precise, and versatile arc welding method that joins almost all metals.

This introductory class includes lecture, a written manual, instructor demonstration, with much of the time devoted to students practicing TIG welding techniques.  Class goals include learning safe welding practices when using the TIG welder.  Class participants will learn the proper set up procedures for the MakerLab’s Alpha-TIG 201XD TIG welder.  TIG welding requires considerable practice and good hand eye coordination.  As such, participants will learn basic hand positions and introductory practice drills.  They will also learn how to evaluate their welds to advance their skills through independent practice.

Students are asked to wear full coverage cotton clothing and close toed leather shoes.  The MakeLab has community welding helmets, but please bring a personal welding helmet if you have one.  TIG welding requires good close vision.  If necessary, students are encouraged to bring impact resistant reading glasses or prescription glasses.

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